Photography is Everywhere

Photography is Everywhere is the first photo exhibition for children in Poland, but adults are more than welcome to join in.

Do you know what spider’s eyes or the Moon’s surface really look like? Do you have any idea of what toys children play with in different parts of the world? Explore this exhibition like a true traveller, investigate it like a fearless detective or analyse it like an ingenious scientist. You decide which path you are going to take. Together, we will find out that the world without photography would be smaller, more boring and less fun. It would be a totally different place...

Open form 6.12.2024 to 16.02.2025 

  • The exhibition is designed primarily for children aged 7–12, but all other Fotofestiwal attendees are welcome, too.
  • Photographers: Sávio Freire, Irmina Walczak, Gabriele Galimberti, Caolle Benitah, Karolina Jonderko, Karolina Maliszewska, Kacper Kowalski / Przypływ Gallery, Ireneusz Waledzik, Wiktor Jekimenko, images from NASA archives.
  • Curators: Katarzyna Sagatowska, Monika Szewczyk-Wittek, Marta Szymańska
  • Graphic design: Aleksandra Cieślak
  • Exhibition architecture: Grupa Gdyby (Ewa Kierklo, Stanisław Kempa)
  • Coordination: Agnieszka Dela-Kropiowska